
Curveball Browser

This package provides a middleware that automatically turns JSON responses from an API into HTML responses.

It will do so by looking if the API was accessed by a HTTP client that prefers HTML. Browsers do this by sending an Accept: text/html header.

If this middleware spots this, it will kick in and auto-generate a great looking HTML document.

If this header was not provides, this middleware does nothing.

It automatically decorates the following formats:


An example. If an API normally returns the following HAL format:

  "_links": {
    "self": { "href": "/testing" },
    "previous": {
      "href": "/testing/?page=1",
      "title": "Previous page"
    "next": {
      "href": "/testing/?page=2",
      "title": "Next page"
    "author": {
      "href": "",
      "title": "Evert Pot"
    "help": {
      "href": "",
      "title": "Google it"
    "search": {
      "href": "{?q}",
      "templated": true
    "edit": { "href": "/testing" },
    "create-form": { "href": "/testing" },
    "my-link": {
      "href": "/foo-bar",
      "title": "Custom link"
    "alternate": [
        "href": "/testing/markdown",
        "type": "text/markdown",
        "title": "Markdown test"
        "href": "/testing/csv",
        "type": "text/csv",
        "title": "Csv test"
        "href": "/testing/rss",
        "type": "application/rss+xml",
        "title": "RSS"
        "href": "/testing/rss",
        "type": "application/atom+xml",
        "title": "Atom"
    "code-repository": { "href": "" },
    "redirect-test": { "href": "/redirect-test" }
  "msg": "Hello world!",
  "version": "0.5.0",
  "name": "test resource!"

The browser will automatically convert it to this HTML format:

Screenshot from 0.9.1

This screenshot is an example of the browser automatically formatting a .csv and parsing HTTP Link headers:

Screenshot from 0.9.1

The following example converts this:

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/testing/form"
    "up": {
      "href": "/testing",
      "title": "Back to testing home"
    "my-form": {
      "href": "/testing/form{?startDate}{?endDate}",
      "title": "Search by date range",
      "templated": true

And automatically turns the templated link into a form:

Screenshot from 0.9.1


npm install @curveball/browser

Getting started

import { Application } from 'curveball/@core';
import browser from '@curveball/browser';

const app = new Application();


The halBrowser function takes an options object, which can take the following settings:


  title: 'My API',
  stylesheets: [

  // This should end with a / generally.
  assetBaseUrl: '',

  navigationLinks: {
    // Create new 'author' button
    'author' : {
      // optional css class, by default this will be `rel-author`
      cssClass: 'rel-blabla',

      // Optional title to show when hovering over button
      defaultTitle: 'Click me',

      // Override icon. Also optional
      icon: 'icons/foobar.svg',

      // Either 'header' (default) or 'pager'
      position: 'header'

      // Set the order. Lower is earlier. Default is 0.
      priority: -100,

    // passing 'true' will use default setting for the button
    'help' : true,

    // passing 'null' will remove the icon, if it was a default icon
    'up': null,

  defaultLinks: [
    // Every page will have a 'help' link
      rel: 'help',
      href: '',
      title: 'Support',

Future features